Experience, Commitment, Respect

I've had many leadership roles throughout my life and I'll list a few.

Past Chamber of Commerce President working with small businesses throughout our county.
Worked with my Fathers engineering company building roads and infrastructure.
Past owner Star Max energy, experience in geothermal
Past President "Dixie Sunshiners" the ambassadors for the St. George Chamber of Commerce
Past Pres. for Red Rock Rotary and active Rotarian for St. George Sunrise club
Past National coach for the Amateur Boxing Golden Gloves Rocky Mt. Region
Active Precinct chair for STG 02
Chito Ryu Karate 4th degree black belt
Active board member HOA
I have served in a few other organizations and give credit to my mother who taught me the importance of serving

Meet my family. I’ve been blessed with five beautiful daughters They’ve given me  many grandkids.. They call me Poppy and I love it. Family is everything and together we’ll make sure our families live safe and protect their freedoms!

My Mission

Supporting small business and encouraging the spirit of entrepreneurship 

My Value

 Follow the Golden Rule

Giving your time has more value than money. Helping a cause is very heart warming. Our Rotary club supports many charities and scholarships through fund raising and giving what we can through private donations.

Thanks for stopping by and please share with a friend.
I'm asking for your vote

Here's a little blast from my past Enjoy